Thursday, January 8, 2009


This blog has been woefully neglected recently, which I plan to rectify shortly.  However, I just want to pass along this bit of information, of which I am very proud.  My book is out!  I REALLY don't expect anybody reading this to buy it....please don't waste your money on something that will serve only as a cure for insomnia....but I think it will be a very valuable resource to our customers.

I've wanted to write a book for as long as I can remember, though I always thought it would be a novel.  I have conceded the fact that I'm not creative enough to come up with a salesworthy fiction plot, but I'm overjoyed that I finally got the opportunity to get something published.

Okay, that's enough self-promotion for one day.  Thanks for listening!


  1. Hooray!! Congratulations! What an exciting accomplishment, I'm sure it will be a PAGE turner for a very important, albeit small group of people. Way to go!

  2. Congratulations and welcome to the club, Mr. Tech Book Man!

  3. Congratulations, Jamie! That is a BIG accomplishment. Sure miss you guys and although have heard bits and pieces of your new acquisition, it's amazing to see it in print. We hope to take you up on your offer to pop in; we'd love to visit. Sounds like you both have been extremely busy but making some time for fun - VERY IMPORTANT! Hope to see you both soon - Love, Bill, Cathie & rugrats!
