Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Can't Last Forever

Well, today was the one step back after two steps forward. Everything I said yesterday is on hold because Andrew didn't have a great day. First, he spit up a bit and they stopped the feedings. All his other digestive indicators look fine (bowel sounds, stool, clean x-ray, etc), but they want to be extra cautious. They put him on medication to help with his reflux (Prilosec) and will probably try again tomorrow.

He also had a bit of a setback on his respiration. His first sprint went fine (he slept through it) and the second one was okay, though they stopped five minutes early. They increased the duration to an hour and a half, and his third sprint was scheduled for today at 2:30pm. He was fine for the first hour and fifteen minutes, then got upset. His numbers went wild, especially his CO2. It took a couple of hours to come all the way back down, during which time they upped his breathing rate (to 15 breaths per minute). Everything was calm quickly enough that they didn't need a chest x-ray or anything similar, but they canceled his scheduled sprint for tonight.

As we've been told many times, we need to take it a day at a time, and I think that's never been more true. A day or two should do wonders on getting him stronger, and they'll probably re-think the method they're using for his sprints. I'm not worried about him long-term, but it didn't make for a very fun day.

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